Monday, March 14, 2011

our Human condition

I'm so glad I joined Creative Every Day for so many reasons. One of them is discovering how sometimes, totally different people are experiencing the same emotion at the same time.

I'm not the only one that has recently expressed their fear in words:

Knowing is half the battle by Jamie @spunkyness
Fear of the first step by Lisa @Think.Write.Create.
Confessions of a Scaredy Cat by Tracy

Is it the change of season and the rapid approach of Spring? Is it leftover anxiety from the start of a new year, a sign of these times and this mess of an economy, or a reaction to frightening global events? There are always reasons to fear, but every day we stare terror right in the face, just like my fellow authors above. Exposed, the things that scare us are just a little bit easier to overcome.

Fear is just a door that separates us from an unknown future.
See you on the other side.

Did you write about fear recently? Did I miss someone who did? Please let me know!

- wit - 


  1. It is definitely comforting to know that so many of us are going through similar experiences. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, and for sharing the link here on your's. I wish you the best of luck with overcoming your fears, and also with making your creativity your living. I aspire to do the same!

    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon

  2. Countess...Thank you for the link! I think my post on fear was brought upon by middle-age! LOL So many things I haven't done and I just got to thinking about it. I agree it nice to know other people have similar feelings. Hopefully, we can all work on it and get past some of our fears! Good luck!
