It makes me mad when people judge a situation in absolutes
The bullies are picking on her so she must have done something to provoke them.
He doesn't have a job so he must be lazy.
This product is inexpensive so there must be something wrong with it.
We have a serious problem abusing the word and concept of "therefore." Saying it doesn't always make it so. An alleged cause does not always lead to a supposed effect.
I'm a huge believer in possibilities. There is never just one motivation for an action, or only one solution to a problem. That's what makes creativity and flexibility so important. Thinking inside the box is closing your off your mind from the world. A wise person knows that even at her most observant, she is ignorant of many things. Because in our myriad universe, there are tens of thousands of things that are too small to see, too intangible to feel, or too complicated to comprehend.
Todays stats:
health:poor - mood:panicked - weather:stormy
music:in it for life -sick puppies
"some people talk like they can't hear, some people walk but get nowhere"
a little study I may or may not commit to... curious to see how my current situation affects my writing. i miss those cute little livejournal emoticons that correspond to your moods- hehe
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