Saw Sucker Punch in theaters. Pretty girls all dolled up in pin-up style make up and sexy outfits kicking ass against fantastical monsters. Not much in the way of plot, but very artistic in melding of costume, music, and choreography in the fight scenes.
And O the music...
Like any movie, I guess I took away from it what I brought in. A little bit of girl power - but not enough.
I realized it a couple years ago when looking for inspiration for writing. I went to our (extensive) DVD collection looking for femme fatales and bad-ass female role models... only to discover my favorite movies were severely lacking.
On the internet, I found several lists of favorite powerful babes in movies. All these lists were so short, only 10 or 15 girls, most of whom, in my humble opinion, are not worthy of the title.
When Buffy the Vampire Slayer came out in the 90's, followed by James Cameron's Dark Angel, I thought we were entering a revolution in girl power and strong female role models, but the new millennium has disappointed me by not adding more women to the list.
I'm not really a feminist in the elite sense. The girl power I like to see is a balance. Yes, she may be trained in martial arts, cool and collected under pressure, and kick ass, but that doesn't mean she can't also have a fashion sense, style, beauty, know how to cook, or otherwise fall into her "traditional" gender role. Don't most Moms in real life embody both these sides every day?
It's these women that I miss in the current media. Yes, we have the 'pretty girl who can actually fight' part covered, but even Buffy and Leeloo have their 'damsel in distress' moments when a man must step in and save them. Don't get me wrong; I'd be nothing without my man and I think we save each other all the time. But I do think our girls onscreen could be a little stronger. A little more like the real life women who battle challenges more badass than any vampire or ninja. Because if our ideal female isn't strong, confident, smart, and sexy, how can we ever expect to be?
health:exhausted - mood:impatient - weather:gray
music:pretty girl -sugarcult
"she's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego"